Jewelry Burs, are a critical piece of any jewelers arsenal of tools for jewelry making. All jewelers, making jewelry need a wide variety and selection of burs. Vanadium, Tungsten Carbide, Carbide, Diamond, High speed.
Jewelry burs in all shapes and sizes will allow you to accomplish the task at hand easily and quickly. For gem setting, diamond setting, drilling, and more. The variety includes brands like busch, pfingst, spearhead, gems, and more. the better the bur, the smother the cut when it comes to doing the work. And the smoother the cut, the less finishing and polishing work that is required, thus getting it done in less time, lowering your cost making the cost. All jewelers, making jewelry need a wide variety and selection of burs. Vanadium, Tungsten Carbide, Carbide, Diamond, High speed. Jewelry burs in all shapes and sizes will allow you to accomplish the task at hand easily and quickly. For gem setting, diamond setting, drilling, and more. The variety includes brands like busch, pfingst, spearhead, gems, and more.